Sunday 6 October 2013

Some Interesting Programming Problems

  1. Chocolate Feast
  2. Balloons
  3. Aladdin and the Optimal Invitation [O(n) adhoc solution exists, also solvable in nlogn using binary search]
  4. Stacks of Flapjacks
  5. Pole Position
Angular Sweeping:
  1. Photo Shoot 
  1. Turn the Lights Off  [Explanation]
  2. Another n-Queen Problem
  3. The Sultan's Successors [straightforward] 
Basic Data Structure:
  1. Flip It! [stack / vector]
  2. Wedding of Sultan [stack] [Editorial]
  3. Fence Repair [priority queue in reverse order]
  4. A and B and Interesting Substrings [map, pair]
  5. Parentheses Balance [stack]
Binary Search:
  1. Energetic Pandas [vector+lower bound, counting] 
  2. Haircut
Binary Indexed Tree:
  1. Cows
Binary Tree:
  1. Tree Summing [input to binary tree making]
Bitmask DP:
  1. Histogram
Bellman Ford:
  1. Travel Company
  1. Number Transformation [i solved with dp]
  2. Chef and Digit Jumps [tricky bfs variant] 
  3. Prime Path
  1. One Unit Machine [Mod Inverse]
Bipartite Matching:
  1. Kamehameha [Editorial
  1. Street Directions
Brute Force:
  1. Be Efficient
  2. TheMatrix
  1. Colorful Board
  2. A Careful Approach (next permutation + binary search)
Computational Geometry:
  1. Laser Shot
Connected Component:
  1. Dominos 2 [undirected]
  2. Dominos [directed]
  1. How Many Zeroes? [iterative and dp both solution exists]

  1. Not the best (2nd / kth)
  2. Almost Shortest Path (path track)

  1. The Queue [dfs with combinatorics]
  2. Friends [straightforward dfs, wrong second sample output]
  1. Maximum Square
  2. nth Permutation
  3. Jogging Trails [Warshall+bitmask, Chinese Postman Problem]
  4. Chest of Drawers [basic]
  5. Dividing up [iterative dp with a little trick]
  6. Breaking Strings [Knuth's optimization, similar to Cutting Sticks with higher n]
  7. Antimatter
  8. Candy [0/1 knapsack, tricky]
  9. Lighted Panels [bitmask]
Floyd Warshall:
  1. Heavy Cargo (similar: The Tourist Guide, modified warshall)
Game Theory:
  1. Euclid's Game [ nim with a tricky observation]
  1. The Kissing Circles [solution]
  1. Sum the Square 
  1. Largest Rectangle in a Histogram
  1. Vitaly and Strings
  2. Arm Wrestling Tournament
  1. 1144 - Ray Gun

  1. Period [failure function only]

  1. Vacation [straightforward lcs]

  1. Answering Queries
  2. Points in Figures: Rectangles, Circles, and Triangles [basic, tricks, precision check]
  3. Feynman 
Meet In The Middle:
  1. Coin Change (IV)
  2. 4 values whose sum is 0 (binary search / upper_bound, lower_bound)
Number Theory:
  1. Square-Free Numbers (factor power)
  2. How Many Points? (gcd)
  3. Garden Game (bigmod, prime factor)
  4. Big Number (log10)
  5. Divisors (number of divisors)
  6. Prime Factors [straightforward] 
Probability and Expected value:
  1. Game on Tree [+dfs]
Segment Tree:
  1. Meteor
  2. Sereja and Brackets
  3. Interval Product
  1. Help Hanzo [Segmented Sieve ]
  2. Printing some primes [bit seive]
  1. Basketball Game (queue)
  2. Billiard Balls
Sliding Window / Line Sweeping:
  1. Christmas Play [straightforward] [editorial]
  2. Broken Keyboard
  3. Sliding Window [classic, with explanation, beginner, deque]
Strongly Connected Components
  1. Proving Equivalences

  1. Wooden Sticks [STL pair]

Strongly Connected Component:
  1. Efficient Traffic System
  2. Forwarding Email
  1. XOR Sum ( cummulative XOR property: xor (L to R) = xor (1 to R) ^ xor (1 to L-1)
Union Find:

1 comment:

  1. my code for dish owner..i am getting wrong answer for this..plz help me...plz give some suggestions or hints or anything..plz
